Photo of Amy Magdanz Rose

Amy Magdanz Rose represents clients who are members of the financial services industry on state and federal compliance matters involving residential and commercial mortgage lenders, brokers, servicers, consumer financial companies, money transmitters, and debt collectors. She assists clients in achieving licensing goals and maintaining licensing status on the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS). Amy is also familiar with the licensing protocols outside of the NMLS.

New Mortgage Licensing Requirements Come to the WestDuring this pandemic, both Idaho and South Dakota have been busy adding new mortgage licensing requirements. As discussed below, these new licensing requirements will materially impact mortgage lenders and servicers doing business in these states.


Earlier in 2020, Idaho passed H0401, which amended the definition of “mortgage lender” to include mortgage companies that

Four Additional States Issue New Guidance Relating to Working from Home; Massachusetts and New York Supplement Previous GuidanceAs we continue to follow the trend of regulatory agencies providing guidance allow working from home for financial services professionals while the COVID-19 outbreak progresses, we summarized the additional guidance issued in the recent past and current as of March 19, 2020.

Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Real Estate Issued an Advisory on

Georgia Publishes 11th-Hour Temporary Authority RuleIt has been almost 18 months since the passage of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act or (as most people in the industry refer to it) the “Temporary Authority Act.” Section 106 of the act allows qualified applicants for mortgage loan originator (MLO) licenses to utilize temporary authority to continue to originate

Arkansas Modifies Fair Mortgage Lending Act – Big Changes Will Ease Burdens on the Mortgage IndustryThe Arkansas State Legislature modified the Fair Mortgage Lending Act in February to “comply with recent developments in Federal Law and other purposes.” Federal law was recently amended to allow for Temporary Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) Authority as defined under the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act or S.2155. The “other purposes” reason

The Ohio Division of Financial Institutions (DFI) recently provided the much-needed updates to the recent legislation that expanded the registration requirements under the Ohio Residential Ohio Mortgage Servicing UpdateMortgage Lending Act (RMLA). The bill, HB 489, was passed unanimously in December 2018 and signed by Gov. Kasich in his last days in office. The expanded RMLA will now

conference tableAs rumors circulate about the potential diminishing role of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) within the new administration, one might wonder if the consumer financial lending space will become a lawless void. However, like a vigilante for justice, the state financial regulators are ready to step up and protect consumers in the financial space

Don’t Get Caught By Surprise: NMLS Adds New Requirements in Connection with RenewalIf a company is keeping its Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) record current, the renewal season should be a relatively painless exercise in fee collection. However, in addition to the normal renewal housekeeping measures, there are a few new twists to the 2016-2017 NMLS renewal process that you should be aware of so that you