In an All Participants Memo dated April 10, 2020 (APM 20-03), Ginnie Mae announced that it revised and expanded its issuer assistance programs in Chapter 34 of the Mortgage Backed Securities Guide (MBS Guide) to include a Pass-Through Assistance Program (PTAP) in response to the COVID-19 national emergency declaration. The program announced in APM 20-03

F. Wendell Allen
Wendell Allen's practice is focused on litigation, defense of enforcement actions, and regulatory compliance services with a concentration in the representation of financial institutions in matters involving government enforcement actions, regulatory compliance disputes, and real property controversies in state and federal courts across the country. As a litigator, Wendell routinely represents banks, mortgage servicers and other financial institutions in claims involving alleged violations of RESPA, TILA, FDCFA, FCRA, and a variety of common law, tort claims.
HUD and DOJ Release Memorandum on the Application and Enforcement of FHA Violations Involving the False Claims Act
In an effort to provide clarity and certainty to Federal Housing Administration (FHA) approved lenders, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) jointly issued a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on October 28, 2019, describing broad guidelines about how HUD and DOJ will coordinate using the False…